Are you struggling to fill mission critical jobs?
Do you want to diversify your workplace?
We can help!
Building a resilient and diverse talent pipeline to ensure operational continuity is an ongoing challenge facing utilities nationwide that requires initiatives to:
• Recruit, train, and retain entry-level, front-line and mid-career employees
• Build and support career advancement pathways for workers with key technical expertise and skills.
• Invest in leadership development and succession planning
• Increase industry diversity and inclusiveness to enhance access to water and utility industry careers for women and minorities, and for people from communities across the socio-economic spectrum.
With over 14.5 million jobs in infrastructure industries nationwide and 1.7 million employees in 212 different job categories in the water and wastewater industry alone (Brookings, June 2018), there are jobs and careers for all people and at all skills levels. We believe that a diverse and well-prepared workforce of the future is ready to make its mark.
Planning and Designing Workforce Services
We arrange curated workshops focused on sharing actual workforce development solutions across infrastructure-related industries and occupations. These sessions tap into the real-world experience and expertise of key stakeholders who head up local, regional, and national workforce programs.
Interested in having us run an experiential workshop in a substantive "careers in infrastructure" work session? Please contact us!